Sunday, February 03, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

I am once again back in Kombo after one week in my village. Since I pretty much spent most of January in Kombo, due to my being asked to assist with the planning for the arrival and training of the new Health and Community Development Trainees, I realized that I really, really do like village-life more than Kombo life. When I arrived in my village last week after my three-week work-hiatus away, my family graciously received me, and then began commenting on the following things:

Conversation #1 with Host Family
Family: Your body is not as big anymore. Kombo is not good for you; you've lost weight.
Me: (Smiling or more like smirking, which isn't always interpreted well)...It's because I didn't eat RICE for 3 weeks.

Conversation #2 with Host Family
Family: You stayed too long.
Me: I know; I had to, but I missed to see your faces.
Family: Don't stay that long again.
Me: I have to go back again in a week.
(They ignore that).
Family: Jalika, you like Kombo too much.
Me: No, I like here better.
Family: But there is sweeter.
Me: No, I don't agree. Here is sweeter because my family is here. I like it here.
Family: Next time, don't stay too long. You always travel.
Me: I know...I know...I know. (Deep Breath) I have to go back there in a week.
Family: What?!
Me: Sorry. I won't stay long, I promise, but work is there.
Family: But if you keep going there, you can't help the people here in village.
Me: I know. Traveling will stop soon, and then I'll be here.
Family: Don't stay long this time.
Me: I said I won't.

Despite these conversations that bring mixed emotions of my not being able to fully express that I really do like my host family and my village and want to spend as much time with them as possible and the fact that I continue to be questioned by everyone and their brother, second-wife, step-daughter, and family donkey where I've been, I have spent a lot of time this past week reflecting on the past year. ONE YEAR. One year has passed by since my arrival here. Time has moved so quickly, even though, for the first two months here, I wrote various desired achievements lists during what seemed-like an eternity of training; I sequenced 'Lists of Things I Want to Do Before I Die', 'Personal Goals for Peace Corps', 'Meals I Would Like to Eat that Don't Contain Rice', etc.

It's so weird to think that what was so abnormally strange has become so abnormally natural. When I'm in Kombo, I wonder if my arm strength will weaken due to my ability to turn on a tap and not fetch 20L of water and carry it on my head. When I'm in Kombo, I think about my host family, and baby Mero, who soon can no longer be called a baby. During my 3 week absence, I returned noticing how much bigger Mero has become. She can speak; she calls me by name and responds when I call her or ask her a question; she runs into my house and tries to help me sweep. Oddly enough, when I look at Mero, I can't help but realize how much I, myself, have grown since I've come here. It's incredible.

One of my good friends (who shall remain nameless here) said I look so much older or mature now. And I don't necessarily feel I look older, but I definitely feel older. I don't feel like a 25 year-old who is constantly trying to prove that I am old enough to have a job, working for a government official. Perhaps I feel old too because I'm constantly reminded (still) that I should already be married and have at least 2 children by now. But perhaps, I feel older, or rather more mature and more assured, that I can do things that I never thought I could possibly do. Or I am still doing this...and still with a (HUGE) smile on my face, even when Mero takes my overly large broom and scatters the neat pile of dust I collected in her efforts to help me sweep. Here's to another year of ups and downs, humility, joy, and discovery of self and the world. Perhaps this feeling of oldness should really be captured as coming into my own...


Blogger ************************************************************Through The Eyes Of Hazle Lee said...

Here's to it, girl! BTW, I really enjoyed this post. Maybe because it seemed to have a lot of thought put into it by someone a little more older, wiser and more mature ONE WHOLE YEAR LATER!! Congratulations!

6:55 AM  
Blogger 814034apr said...

I think Dad and I need to start thinking about plans for that addition (nursery) we are going to have built onto our house! After all, it has to be large enough for three: Mero, Paabi, and Baby Ray!

Your Momma

7:02 PM  

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