Monday, July 16, 2007

Musings from Journal Entry # 5143 (Number Made Up), July 11, 2007

Thoughts/Comments I Wish I Could Say (especially when temperamental)---
But Can't and Won't...

1. How many times do I have to tell you?---I will NOT go to the rice fields to work. I do know it is hard work, however. Better you than me...

2. Telling me that I can't do something or that it's too heavy or too far only encourages me further to prove to you I CAN do it and that it's not heavy and not far.

3. I still can't determine if you all are yelling or arguing when you speak to each other.

4. Turning the radio up at night only perpetuates shouting (see # 3) and worsens your hearing.

5. Learn and know your pronouns. (Sister = she; Son = he)

6. Fourteen to eighteen year-old boys are annoying, no matter where you live in the world.

7. Cocky fourteen to eighteen year-old boys are even more annoying. (see #6)

8. Laughing at me when I'm trying to speak your langauge only makes me want to hit you.

9. I sound the same in Mandinka as you do when you try to speak English, your national language.

10. No, I will NOT marry you.

11. No, I will NOT take you to America (even if you can point to it on a map).

12. No, I will NOT give you money.

13. While vomitting and diarrhea are signs & symptoms of malaria, it does not mean that everyone with those symptoms has malaria.

14. Instead of trying to have me take you to America (see #11), work with me in trying to improve your quality of life here.

15. Take care of the things I give you and try not to destroy them.

16. Fix the South Bank Road...please!

17. Stop picking up your children like mama monkeys pick up their babies (by one arm and heaving them on their backs). You'll dislocate your children's arms!

18. If you complain to me about not having money, please don't be smoking while doing so. All that money you spend on cigarettes could be spent more wisely.

19. Making a hissing noise as I walk by does NOT, by ANY means, entice me to turn around and look at you.

20. Speaking louder does NOT make me understand your Mandinka better. I may hear you better, but chances are I still can't understand you.


Blogger ************************************************************Through The Eyes Of Hazle Lee said...

Wow, I really love this post. It totally made me laugh out loud. I think we should print off the posts we are really proud of and attach them to the newsletters. Because, come on, no one understands or appreciates the underlying messages more than your fellow PCVs!!

5:25 AM  

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