Tuesday, April 17, 2007

*Wish List Addendum*

So since I've been hanging out in Kombo these past couple days, I've been able to think of some more nice little treats for care packages. Again, my list is not exhaustive and feel free to add anything you'd like. Just remember to not send chocolate (except M&Ms). [Think of me licking the foil/wrapper clean. Yes, even I shudder at the thought of that...]

-Cheez-It snack packs (original flavor)
-pretzel packs
-tuna packs (pouches)
-assorted flavored drink mixes (may be a repeat, but it can never be over-emphasized)
-fig newton snack packs (assorted flavors, not just fig)
-(fun) candy
-Clean & Clear Blackhead Clearing Scrub (Target/CVS brands work nicely!)
-foot scrub/pumice stone (You don't really want me to put a picture up of my dirty feet, do you?)
-Columbia sunglasses (I apparently lost them or someone stole them) (I purchased mine through Campmor for a whopping $9.99). They were fantastic and I miss them terribly.
-L'Oreal GRAB (goop for my hair for when I venture to Kombo and want to look 'nice, nice')
-black (waterproof) mascara (for same reason listed as above; mine was contaminated when I had conjunctivitis).



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