Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Things I Miss in America & Things I Like in The Gambia

Things in/from America That I Miss
* Mama & Papa's homecooked-food
* Princeton
* Driving around in the RAV4 with its owner
* New York City, more specifically, the East and West Village
* Whole Foods
* Driving around in the TSX and looking for places to eat dessert
* Cold drinks (when at site)---although lukewarm Sprite has become the most fantastic treat when it's available at the village bitiko (shop)
* The D&R Canal
* MY Trek Bike with Disc Brakes (I get my own brand new one here, but it's just not the same.)
* Pittsburgh and all the people there
* Of course, family & friends

Things I Like in The Gambia
* The moonlight (and when it's full, I don't have to use my flashlight in the middle of the night in village).
* The stars---they're so much brighter here and more abundant.
* Running at sunrise on a dirt road in village
* Running on the beach/(mini) cliffs
* Bucket baths at sunset
* Writing letters by candlelight, with muted sounds of Senegalese music from a nearby compound in the background
* Biking and the release it brings me
* Homemade, natural peanut butter (for cheap!)
* The Art of Stating the Obvious (My host father used to say in Mandinka: "Jaliika, you are sitting." To which I'd respond in Mandinka: "Yes, I am sitting.")


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